Patricia Whitaker BA Hons P.G.C.E. (Leeds)
Classic (Graduate) Tutors caters for a wide variety of students, ranging from those with learning difficulties to the academically gifted. Patricia's main aim, in keeping with the Education Act of 1945, places emphasis on all pupils "developing their potential to the full".
Patricia has worked in education since the 1980s. In her first term of teaching she was promoted to Head of Department in a poorly performing Comprehensive School. Mixed oversized classes of 36 tested her intensive Post Graduate training, at Leeds University, to the full. To turn around an established thought process that “failure breeds failure” required an understandable amount of determination. As a result of her profound and dedicated beliefs, hard work and determination, Patricia overturned this negative thought process within the first year. Thanks to her lecturers, she remains true and steadfast to the ideal that, 'every student is as good as their trainer'. Her subject became the biggest and most successful single option entry in that school.
First and foremost, Patricia's specialist skills are built around good communication and, for that reason, the request to teach mathematics in 1990, as a self employed trainer, was based on that. ‘Terminology,’ regardless of subject, is as much a hindrance to learning as is the acquiring of knowledge in the subject matter. The preparation of resources, appropriate to the ability levels of individual students, has continued to remain an invaluable asset for all age levels and in all subject areas. In addition to teaching languages, and mainly due to her previous background in industry, Patricia was invited to join a team of teachers to teach book-keeping, commerce and interviewing techniques, as well as physics.
As her reputation grew as a professional in her field, Patricia's business expanded to include translation and interpreting services for industry and business language tuition, along private tuition in maths, English, French, German and science for students from four to seventy-four.
She knows that her training in the Psychology of Education, Sociology and the History of Western Education have all helped her to arrive at a deeper understanding of individuals from all walks of life. Having attained her 11+ examination at the age of ten and being the first in her family to obtain a double honours degree, she is able to empathise with those whose aspirations are to accelerate their learning in order to enter the school and career of their choice.
Classic Graduate Tutors can ensure you develop to your full potential and achieve your goals.
Need advice or want a chat?
Ring Patricia on 07941 683848 for a free, no obligation discussion on your/ your child's educational needs.